.. _`Partial Least Squares cross-decomposition (PLS regression)`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.pls`: Partial Least Squares cross-decomposition (PLS regression) ========================================================== .. image:: PCA.svg :width: 48 Finds the fundamental relations between two matrices X and Y, ie. it finds the (multidimensional) direction in X that best explains maximum multidimensional direction in Y. See also PCA-analysis **Documentation** Finds the fundamental relations between two matrices X and Y, ie. it finds the (multidimensional) direction in X that best explains maximum multidimensional direction in Y. See also PCA-analysis *Configuration*: - *n_components* Number of components to keep. - *scale* whether to scale the data - *max_iter* the maximum number of iterations of the NIPALS inner loop (used only if algorithm="nipals") - *tol* Tolerance used in the iterative algorithm default 1e-06. *Attributes*: - *x_weights_* X block weights vectors. - *y_weights_* Y block weights vectors. - *x_loadings_* X block loadings vectors. - *y_loadings_* Y block loadings vectors. - *x_scores_* X scores. - *y_scores_* Y scores. - *x_rotations_* X block to latents rotations. - *y_rotations_* Y block to latents rotations. - *coef_* The coefficients of the linear model: ``Y = X coef_ + Err`` - *n_iter_* Number of iterations of the NIPALS inner loop for each component. *Input ports*: *Output ports*: **model** : model Model **Definition** *Input ports* *Output ports* :model: model Model .. automodule:: node_decomposition .. class:: PLSRegressionCrossDecomposition